Like all natural supplements, allow up to 2 weeks of continued use to see results. Can be taken alone or mixed with a drink.
How to Use - Shake and take 1 dropper, 1-2x daily, or as needed.We strive to provide your with the healthiest and best ingredients that give real benefits so that you can also feel calm and relaxed knowing these herbs (Chamomile, Spearmint, Passion Flower, Hops, and Magnesium for kids) have been used as anti stress supplements to help calm kids for centuries. Calm Supplements - Calmify Cortisol manager drops for kids are totally natural and formulated especially for kids.Perfect for mixing in their food or drink to mask the flavor for extra picky eaters! Calmify has a tasty and delicious grape flavor that has been tried and tested by kids for the best results. Delicious Grape Flavor - Calmify Natural supplements for kids with magnesium complex may also help support brain health and can be used as a natural focus supplement.Our natural ingredients like Spearmint, Passionflower, and Magnesium Citrate work wonders for soothing kids nerves and helping them relax. Kids Stress Relief - Calmify stress relief supplements may provide anti stress and help give stress relief for kids to help them feel peace when they need it most.The liquid chamomile supplement may contain l theanine and l tyrosine which is known for it's anti stress and calming properties.Our daily Calmify drops for kids are designed by parents to help soothe, relax, and help keep kids calm. Calming Supplements for Kids - Does your kid bounce off the walls throughout the day? Do they get crazy fits of energy that seems to never end? You're not alone! We understand the craziness of life and raising kids that's why we brought you an easy healthy magnesium supplement to help your kids relax and unwind.