iClip remains visible, but unobtrusively parked and ready to use on the left side of my desktop for when I need it.

To customize the behavior, check "Preferences." window, or press COMMAND (⌘) +. iClip is an application that you can access from the menu bar or from a designated part of your desktop.Running discreetly from your menu bar, the app stores all that you have copied or cut in the. To ignore only the next copy, click on the menu icon with OPTION (⌥) + SHIFT (⇧) pressed. Cop圜lip 2 is a lightning fast clipboard manager for your Mac.To disable Maccy and ignore new copies, click on the menu icon with OPTION (⌥) pressed.To clear all items including pinned, select Clear in the menu with OPTION (⌥) pressed, or press SHIFT (⇧) + OPTION (⌥) + COMMAND (⌘) + DELETE (⌫). To clear all unpinned items, select Clear in the menu, or press OPTION (⌥) + COMMAND (⌘) + DELETE (⌫).The item will be moved to the top with a random but permanent keyboard shortcut.

To pin the history item so that it remains on top of the list, press OPTION (⌥) + P.